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Salt Fiber Box Login

Salt Fiber Box administration console allows you to change WiFi password, Network Name, and default settings at or Login Login

How to login to Salt Fiber Box?

  1. Open a browser and type or in the address bar.
  2. Enter the Username: admin and Password: admin and click Login.
  3. You will be logged in to the Salt Fiber Box settings.

How to change Salt Fiber Box WiFi Password and SSID?

  1. Log in to the administration console.
  2. Go to WLAN > Smart WiFi / Combined view.
  3. Enter the Wi-Fi Network Name in the SSID field.
  4. Enter the Wi-Fi Password in the WPA Pre-shared Key field.
  5. Click Save settings.

Your Saltbox supports 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi networks. You need to configure both Wi-Fi bands separately. To improve latency and rate on all your devices, it is recommended to enable Band Steering, you will have a unique SSID for both bands(so you will need to reconnect your devices to new SSID).